"Background" Images and "Resizable" Images

When it comes to loading images into the canvas we handle them in 2 different ways:

1) Background Images - By default, this is how images are loaded into the canvas. With Background images, We do all the thinking for you and resize all photos to fit your canvas either by resizing at the width or the height of an image — depending on which is larger. This allows you to quickly click through images and see how they’ll look without having to think about resizing. If the background image bleeds beyond the canvas either vertically or horizontally, you can click and drag anywhere on it to move it around within the canvas. While this does work great most of the time it’s not a perfect approach. Sometimes you may want more control of your image size or sometimes you may want to have multiple images on the canvas at once (i.e. a collage). For that, we have "Resizable Images"...

2) Resizable Images - By default, all of your uploaded images will load into the canvas as a "Resizable" image. These are images that appear smaller in the canvas and can be completely resized. This is best suited for icons or smaller graphics. Another nice thing about resizable images is you can have more than one in that canvas at a time, so creating a collage is a breeze! 

Any photo (even ones you've uploaded) can be easily converted back and forth from a "Background" to a "Resizable" image. Just click anywhere on the photo and select either "Convert to resizable image" or "Set as background" depending on what state you're currently in.

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